Monday, November 17, 2008

"One" Big Party

Hazel is one. Wow, this year has gone by so fast!

Checking out the spoils ;)
Auntie Jodi

Cousin Julian

Cousin Julian is so cute and sweet. Hazel was touching him and kissing him and he didn't seem to mind. He and Hazel are just a few weeks apart. Happy one year to you too Cousin Julian!

My ladies: just a few of my friends that have been so sweet to Hazel over this past year, I love them all.

Daddy's leg makes a great standing aid :)

Hazel's Godmothers: Emily and Sara

There's nothing cuter than a tutu bottom

"Look Gammy and Papa a balloon!"

1 comment:

Steph said...

She is SOOO CUTE!! I love her tutu!