Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Ok, I'm really not ready to talk about this yet, but Hazel went to her first day of Mother's Day Out today. I put her on a waiting list about 6 months ago and found out last week they had an opening. It was kinda all of a sudden and I wasn't sure if I was ready....it's all about me :)......but we enrolled her for one day a week. She has to take a little lunch and has her own cubbie. I know it will be good for both of us and the next little baby, but it's hard to see her becoming a kid. When I dropped her off I wanted to hug and kiss her and tell her we would be ok and that I would be right back to pick her up and that I would miss her and that I was proud of her, but I knew all of these dramatic things would not help. So I just said "see ya later" and the teachers said she didn't seem upset at all. David was laughing at me because the lunch I made her was probably enough to feed a 10 year old. :)

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