Thursday, April 1, 2010

Homemade Easter Dresses

I've been staying up way to late working on these Easter dresses for the girls, but I have been enjoying myself. :) These are the first things I've made using a pattern. But halfway through making them I folded the pattern up and put it away because I didn't understand all the sewing jargon. I come from a long line of seamstress' and I started remembering watching my mom and grandma sew. See mom, I was listening......they turned out pretty good ;)

Of course what is an Easter dress without a flower headband. :)

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Oh, You made them! I seriously am telling you - show me how to sew with a pattern! Or else I'm going to have to take a class at Hancock's and that's just - well... not as fun.
So cute! Love the dresses!